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Installation by Andrea K. Schlehwein


Tec Assistant
Maayan Reiter



Exhibition of

FORUM KUNST contemporary

May 2018

For this Installation Andrea K. Schlehwein works with two materials. One hard, metallic paper, creates two-dimensional human forms and a series of photographs that she has collected over a period of time with a digital camera from television news. These pictures show scenes of war, dying children, and suffering that one can often find on TV news. The metallic paper forms are juxtaposed against light in a way to produce dark and big shadows, some of which are projecting on the pictures on-screen. You cannot enter this room, you can only peek into it through the hard, metallic curtains with a hole in them. This perspective creates a sense of what is forbidden or hidden, like offering a peek into the darker side of humanity.


Schlehwein's central theme is the human body and what makes it – the individual personality, the life that pulsates through it. She demonstrates this in a contra-point sort of a way, where she focuses on the inhumanity portrayed in the media, thereby compelling the viewer to think of what is missing. The two-dimensional metallic paper figures create optical illusions of human bodies, leaving ample room for imagination.


Nayana Bhat

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