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someday the rain will stop

contemporary dance


someday the rain will stop draws a female map, which is recognizable as such from outside. This map transcends one's own emotions, memories, history and sensitivities by searching for identification with the stories and themes narrated there on the basis of current, randomly found newspaper photos and the emotions that they provoke, argue and connect. A choreographic and theatrically narrative puzzle is laid upon an acoustically complex sound-carpet; the pieces search beyond their own physical limitations, cultural affiliations and trailing generations to summarize a universal cultural identity.



Andrea K. Schlehwein



Midori Kawamura



Brigitte Büsken

Andrea K. Schlehwein



Andrea K. Schlehwein


Photos by

Regina Minwegen



Sabine Adams

Brigitte Büsken

Koni Hanft

Janet Rühl

Andrea K. Schlehwein


Köln (DE), 2000:

TanzHautnah Festival


Surabaja (ID), 2000:

Asia International Dance Festival /

InterAction III


Surakarta (ID), 2000:

Asia International Dance Festival /

InterAction III


Yogjakarta (ID), 2000:


Asia International Dance Festival /

InterAction III

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