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This piece is part of the current NETZWERK AKS performance repertoire.  For more information and to book performances, please contact:

büro für tanz | theater | produktionen.

Oh, when things are and yet aren't!

wozzeck_woyzeck_reloaded does not tell a narrative story, yet stories develop, tight images and atmospheres. A relational structure of dependencies is shown in which the three protagonists embody Wozzeck, Marie, the drum major, the captain and the doctor, fast and constantly changing.


Each small cog in the wheel needs the others in order to keep up self-preservation and demontration of its own power: Maria needs Wozzeck; or rather Marie is source and basis of life for Wozzeck himself; Marie does not love the drum major with whom she is cheating on Wozzeck, but she loves his desire; he anon is driven by his lust for Marie; the doctor is running specious experiments with Wozzeck lyingly disguised as scientific expermient; and the captain dominated by the want of power steps downward – towards the weakest link in the chain.


Finally everyone depends on everyone, if one cog would fall off the wheel change was possible. All in all a very present scenario that could stereotyped fit on many constellations of human togetherness.


In terms of music the piece is carried by a compiled soundtrack in which moments of Alban Berg´s opera sound again and again, mostly in the form of „Three fragments of Wozzeck for soprano, orchestra and children´s voices ad. Libitum“, that was performed one year before the opera´s premiere.



Concept, Direction, Stage,

Sound, Images

Andrea K. Schlehwein



Markus Branstätter


Film Editing

Anja Theismann


Film Operator

Hae In Shin



Sei Sung Lee


Dance + Creation
Unita Gay Galiluyo
Maria Mavridou

Simona Piroddi


Choreographic Assistance

Simona Piroddi


Photos by

Ok Sang Hoon, Alessandro Piano,

AKS, Roman Zotter


Production Assistance 2013

Josefine Wosahlo


Tour Assistant

Sei Sung Lee


büro für tanz | theater | produktionen



Salzburg (AT), 2015

15. Performancetage


Seoul (KR), 2014

Seoul International Dance Festival


Busan (KR), 2014

Busan International Dance Market


Millstatt (AT), 2014

Stiftsaal Millstatt


Millstatt (AT), 2013

Stiftsaal Millstatt


Klagenfurt (AT), 2013

Theaterhalle 11


"Based on Georg Büchner's fragment of a drama and in close relation to Alban Berg's opera, choreographer AKS and her NETZWERK AKS team presented a tragic story of dependency, social disadvantage and violence. … The three splendid dancers who embody all roles – regardless of sex – appear on stage as a furious trio of amazons in untouched nature (film: Markus Brandstätter) which, also without a male counterpart, must struggle with the attraction, rejection, power, reputed love and true passion that can destruct relationships. … [The dancers] display the whole range of femininity with coats, dresses and yellow boots … . Dressing and undressing … becomes a magic act of supposed self-determination that dissolves into nothing as soon a cozy pullover mutates into a narrow prison, or a decorative neckline transforms into a suffocating rope.


"Whether as a model on the catwalk or a tramp collecting old clothes, textiles inspire Schlehwein and her ensemble to paint expressive images. … The dancers, … rapid, virtuosic and technically absolutely certain … rush across the stage … using contemporary dance vocabulary without losing their individuality."

     Andrea Hein

     translated by Hayley Glickfeld Bielman

     Die Kronezeitung

     29. July 2013

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